ВЕРТЕТЬ/ЗАВЕРТЕТЬ <КРУТИТЬ/ЗАКРУТИТЬ> хвостом highly coll, disapprov
[VP; subj: human]
(often in refer, to answering a question directly, answering for sth. etc) to (try to) evade sth.:
- X вертит хвостом•• X is trying to weasel his way out of it;
- X is hedging (beating around the bush);
- [in limited contexts] X is trying to confuse the issue.
     ♦ "Долго ли нам [= нашему городу] гореть будет?" - спросили они... Но лукавый бригадир только вертел хвостом и говорил, что ему с богом спорить не приходится (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). "Is it long we [our town] must burn?" they asked. ...But the sly brigadier only tried to confuse the issue by saying that it was not for him to quarrel with God (1a).

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